Ireland has held a fairytale image in my mind, and finally seeing it in person only added to that enchantment. Before meeting family in Belgium, I spent an extra long, four day layover (thank you travel hack Gods) exploring the country that holds a faerie spell over me. Next time the visit needs to be longer… aka forever. Check out the various charmed cities. 

Jet lagged but determined to cram in as much of Ireland as humanly possible, County Kerry was my first day tour. Honestly, just driving along the countryside would have sufficed. The amount of grazing farm animals and exaggerated greenery was overwhelming. The stops on the trip consisted of:

Adare (cute cottages)

Torc Waterfall in Killarney National Park

Muckross House (mansion on the lake)


 Inch Beach & Wild Atlantic Coast

County Kerry

This day mainly consisted of hanging off cliffs and braving the elements. Though we were chilly and dirty at the time, we realized we experienced the best of both worlds… at the edge on the world. As soon as we left the little village of Doolin, it began raining and didn’t let up when we arrived at the cliffs. Also, when I say rain, I mean sideways rain from the coastal winds. We were wet troopers. At the end of it, we were grateful because it added to the eerie ambiance of the cliffs, and it became sunny after an hour. We experienced two seasons in two hours, hung off the edge of the western European world, and took shameless foot baths after walking barefoot to keep our grip and not fall off the side. It was one of the toughest days, but one of the most fulfilling. A pitstop in Galaway was icing on the cake.

Cliffs of Moher

My map was fully crumpled and illegible and my toes were almost frozen off, but I saw every place of Dublin I sought out to. I shared a meal with a street performer, listened to first hand love stories from grandmothers smoking cigarettes outside bars, met travelers from every corner of the world, drank in the live music, and naturally consumed a lot of Guinness. Dublin, along with the rest of Ireland has a very special place in my heart. 


I will not admit this to any Dubliner, but this was the tour I was looking forward to the most because of P.S. I Love You. Actually, that movie had me fall in love with Ireland before I ever arrived. I know the guide says this on all of his rainy tour days (which is a hefty portion of the time,) but it truly felt like the cloudiest day in Wicklow- and in all of Ireland. At some point, we were unable to see ten feet in front of us. I was slightly disappointed in the beginning, but it did add to the charm… especially on the monetary grounds (just look at that happy boy frolicking!). It also gives me another reason to go back.

The full day itinerary was as follows:


Wicklow Mountains

Kilkenny Castle

Dunmore Caves
